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Herbs → M4 Nutrition Purify - 60 caps - Detoxifying Formula
M4 Nutrition Purify - 60 caps - Detoxifying Formula
Our Price: $19.95
Ultimate Detoxifying Formula by M4 Nutrition
M4 Nutrition Purify is the Ultimate Detoxifying Formula. 60 caps included in each bottle.
Have you been eating really bad lately…foods that are high in saturated fat, oils, fried, etc.? Have you been hitting old “Grandpa’s Liquior cabnit a little more than you should? Well, M4 Nutrition, has got you covered.
Purify, is the ultimate detoxifying formula.
Just take 2 pills in the morning with food and 2 more in the afternoon with food and you will start to feel the effects very quickly!
Supplement Facts
Serving Size – 2 capsules
Servings per container – 30
Amount Per Serving –
Astragalus Extract – 50mg, Chlorella – 50mg, Black Walnut Hull – 100mg, Taraxacum Officinale (Dandelion Root) – 100mg, Milk Thistle (80% Silymarin) – 50mg, Psyllium Seed Husks – 850mg, Spirulina (14% Phycocyanin) – 100mg, Urtica Dioica Extract – 100mg, Senna (leaf) – 150mg
Directions – Take 2 caps in the morning with your first meal. If well tolerated, take 2 caps with your first meal and 2 caps with your last meal daily, until caps are gone. Do not take for more than 15 days continually. Discontinue if not well tolerated.
Warning – Consult with a physician prior to use if you have any medical conditions. Do not use if pregnant or lactating.
Ingredient Breakdown –
Astragalus Extract - Astragalus is categorized as an Energy (Qi) tonifying herb. It thus directly supports the Lung and Spleen organs in the body. By supporting those organs, energy derived from the foods you eat and the air you breathe is increased. In addition, it nourishes exhausted adrenals to combat fatigue. Plus, because astragalus is an adaptogen, it can also help the body adapt to the physical stress brought on by exercise.
Chlorella - Chlorophyll is the greatest food substances for cleansing the bowel and other elimination systems. In addition to Chlorella’s powerful body detox properties, you’ll experience increased energy, heightened mental clarity, reduced tension and anxiety, and even a clearer complexion. It also removes heaving metals from your body, leaving you clean and free of contaminants.
Black Walnut Hull – Black walnut, also known as American walnut, was a staple item for the American Indian as far back as 2000 B.C. Black walnut Hull helps oxygenate the blood and provides a source of soluble fiber. Some people also believe the Black walnut hull will help fight intestinal illnesses and expel parasites.
Taraxacum Officinale (Dandelion Root) - Dandelion leaves and roots have been used for centuries to treat liver, gall bladder, kidney, and joint problems. In some countries, Dandelion is considered a blood purifier and is used for ailments such as eczema and cancer. Dandelion has also been used to treat poor digestion, water retention, and diseases of the liver such as hepatitis.
Milk Thistle - Milk Thistle in hundreds of studies have confirmed the remarkable ability of milk thistle to protect the liver against virtually all types of damage: from accidental exposure to chemical pollutants, toxic side effects of medications, liver diseases like hepatitis and even the self inflicted damage from overindulgence of rich food and alcohol.
Psyllium Seed Husks – Psyllium Seed husks are an excellent source of soluble fiber and psyllium is the active ingredient in many over-the-counter bulk-forming laxative products. Psyllium forms a gel-like substance when it is added to water. When used as a laxative, the soluble fiber in psyllium acts to keep waste products moving through the digestive tract.
Spirulina – This amazing food is the richest source of natural antioxidants of any whole food, containing every natural known antioxidant. Spirulina speeds up and facilitates the process of detoxification.
Urtica Dioica Extract – Urtica Dioica is a useful plant compound that it’s function is to protect your stomach, detoxify internal system, prevent toxin from entering the blood system and delivers magnesium to the cells. Nettles also have acetylcholine, beta carotene, glycosides, lignans, lectins, histamine, sitosterol, serotonin, tannins.
Senna (Leaf) - Senna tea is a terrific way to detox your system or do a colon cleanse. History tells us that senna was first used by Arabian doctors and in Asia. It was used to treat illnesses such as fever, infections and indigestion. Today it is used as a laxative or a way to do a colon cleanse.
Customer Reviews

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1. Terrell on 6/4/2012, said:

Gives really good energy boost while detoxifying
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2. Ryan on 5/31/2012, said:

This product is awesome, cleansed me out and made me drop a lot of water weight!
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3. Debbie on 4/15/2012, said:

Love it! M4 Nutrition is the best!
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4. Joey on 4/2/2012, said:

Great product. Has helped me alot. I feel alot better after taking a bottle of this product.
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5. Ariel on 3/24/2012, said:

Great for energy and cleansing
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6. Bailey on 3/21/2012, said:

Good detoxifying product. Works well.
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